Prescription Refill Guidelines

  • Please know your prescriptions are renewed at the time of your visit, and you are generally given enough refills to get you through to your next appointment. If for some reason you need a prescription refill, please call the office during regular business hours, Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm and leave a message on the prescription refill line at 978-750-0755. The staff will process your request and send this along to the pharmacy. If there is a problem, they will contact you, but otherwise, it will be filled.

  • Always allow 24 hours for us to process refill requests.  Be sure to call your pharmacy to confirm that your prescription is ready before going to pick it up, even if it has been 24 hours.

  • Many times, prescriptions are written with a number of refills already approved.  Your pharmacy would have a record of this and could save time by being able to go ahead and fill that medicine.

  • If you are in need of a medication change, please call the office to set up an appointment to discuss this with your provider.

  • If your medication requires prior authorization, please have the pharmacy contact us.

  • Routine prescription refill requests are not processed on any day the office is closed, including weekends and holidays.  Please plan accordingly and call in your refill request before you run out of your medication.

  • In some cases, we may require that you schedule an office visit prior to refilling your medications(s).  Please remember that this is for your health and safety.

Follow-Up Policy:

Please understand that it is necessary to follow up even on “routine” prescription medications. It is absolutely essential, however, that you keep these appointments.  Please work with us, for your health!  Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • Dosages may need to be adjusted for maximum effectiveness and safety.

  • Laboratory testing may be necessary to monitor certain drug levels.

  • The Food and Drug Administration may have discovered new potential toxicities or changed dosing recommendations.

  • New studies may suggest a new or different approach that would be more suitable or effective for you.

In addition, the DEA tracks all of our prescriptions for any controlled substance, and we must adhere to the accepted standards.  There are also medicolegal and ethical standards to which we adhere in the interest of providing good medicine.

Controlled Substances:

If you have been prescribed a medication which is a controlled substance, prescriptions for lost or stolen medications will not be replaced earlier than due.  If this does occur and you feel you cannot wait until the date your prescription is due, you may be asked to seek treatment at your local emergency room.

As always, we look forward to participating in your healthcare!  Thank you for choosing us as your providers.