Controlled Substance Policy

  • Patients are required to keep all scheduled appointments with provider.

  • Patients are responsible to keep medications safe, secure, and out of the reach of children.  If the medicine is lost or stolen, it will not be replaced until the next appointment and is at the provider's discretion.

  • Patients need to take medication as instructed and not change the way it is taken. It will not be increased or decreased without first talking to a provider.

  • Prescription refill requests will only be responded to during scheduled office visits with a provider. Prescriptions for controlled substances cannot and will not be filled on weekends, during the evening or on holidays when the office is closed.

  • Patients are responsible for making and keeping their follow up appointments for scheduled office visits and refills. If the patient is having trouble making an appointment, they must tell their provider or a member of the treatment team immediately.

  • We value a mutual respect at the office. Staff is to be treated respectfully at all times as they are here to help. If the patient is disrespectful to staff or disrupts the care of other patients, treatment will be stopped.

  • Medicine will not be sold or shared with others.  If this happens, treatment will be stopped.

  • Patient must tell their provider about all other medications, and let the provider know right away if there is a prescription for another medication. This is especially important for any medication that can be addictive, such as benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, Ativan) and stimulants (Ritalin, Amphetamines).

  • All controlled substances must be filled at the same pharmacy.  Should the need arise to change pharmacies, the provider or member of the treatment team must be informed.

  • Any controlled substances prescribed by other providers is documented and visible online via the Prescription Monitoring Program.

  • Failure to adhere to these policies may result in cessation of therapy with the controlled substance prescribed by the provider.

  • It is a Felony to alter my prescription in any way (i.e. date, quantity, etc.). If prescriptions are altered, the patient will be discharged from the practice and may face charges.